Celebration of Van Mahotsav in Mata Punna Devi DAV Sen. Sec. Public School , Kalanwali
Event Start Date : 06/08/2018 Event End Date 06/08/2018
In an earnest attempt to lend a green touch to the school environment and sensitize the students about their role in conserving it , Mata Punna Devi DAV Sen. Sec. Public School , Kalanwali celebrated Van Mahotsav on Monday 06th August ,2018 in the school Campus . It was organised under the guidance of worthy Principal Mrs. Shabnam Handa and Chairman Sh. Satish Kumar Singla .
Honourable SDM Kalanwali Sh. Vijender Singh Huda was the chief Guest and Sh. Anil Kumar Gupta B.E.O Odhan was the guest of Honour on this occasion . Members of Local Management Committee. Sh. Harpal Singh Nambardar , Sh. Surender Garg Nehru ,Sh. Mahesh Bansal and Sh. Faquir Chand were also present .
About 200 saplings were planted by the Chief Guest , Guest of Honour , Chairman ,LMC Members and Principal of the School and students. The chief Guest Sh. Vijender Singh SDM Kalanwali encouraged the students to take care and protect the plants and to ensure the saplings healthy nurturing.